Vincent Lowe Photography - Sweden, Sarek National Park
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The Sarek National Park is one of the finest mountain areas in Scandinavia.  At the extreme north of Sweden, it's well inside the Arctic Circle and it's certainly one of the the wildest and least accessible mountain areas.  Covering an area of almost 2000 square kilometres, it is often called Europe's 'last great wilderness'.  There are more than 250 distinct tops of which 87 are over 1800m and 8 are over 2000m.  There is no hut system and only a few bridges in key locations.  No motorised vehicles are allowed but the walker and climber have unrestricted access, and camping is allowed anywhere.  River crossings are numerous and can be hazardous, especially in warm weather or after heavy rain.  All food and equipment has to be carried - a visit to Sarek is an expedition.

Skip the waffle
and get to the

Our trek was carried out in 1986.  We flew to Stockholm then took the overnight sleeper train to Jokkmokk, a journey enlivened by a persistent drunk who kept demanding 'our papers'.  From Jokkmokk we took the bus to Ritsem, then finally a Lapp boat across lake Akkajaure.  This first part is one of the main routes into the Padjelanta National Park but we soon branched off into the Ruotesvagge valley.  We had one excursion onto a glacier but our plans to climb the peak of Sarek were thwarted by the weather.

My images of Arctic Sweden available on alamy












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